Dusty Slay and Hannah Hogan launch a new 10 part series on how to become a comic. This is episode one where we discuss how to go from never doing comedy, to taking the stage for the very first time.
Where we've been:
Dusty- Laugh Boston
Where we're going:
Hannah- Comedy Bar Chicago
Dusty- Utah Valley State College, Clusterfest in San Francisco
Discussion: How to start comedy.
Music: Janice Ian, Allison Krauss and Union Station
Comedy: Rodney Dangerfield and Dave Stone
We talk about withces, lord of the rings, the american dream and the amount of dental work Dusty has had done.
Comedian Brian Bates shares his worst bombing story with Dusty Slay Intro :46Where we’re going, where we’ve been: 1:56New Comic Advice: 9:25On The Road:...
Dusty and Hannah talk about their cat, going to alabama, alabama restaurants, and comedy thats too real.